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The Irish Reefer

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Would love to hear of your experiences of keeping large Angels in a Reef Setup. James Weissman kindly informed me that you have experience with regard to same.

Am soon to break down curent 6' setup and get new 8' setup up and running.

Have read that Euxiphipops Navarchus is kept successfully with SPS, LPS and some Soft Corals.

Have you kept this spp. and what are your experiences with it , Coral polyp feeder, Hard, Soft ? Both ? LPS ? Shrimps ?

Obviously would decimate sponge population, but will have connected Refugium/Seagrass setup to culture same.

Any other issues, as in compatability with Centropyge spp. ?

Is it essential to get one in its juvenile form to try and " train " it to accept prepared foods, as opposed to decimating corals ?

Picked up this Ref: on F.F.Express

Here !



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This is one of the two angelfish -- the other is a flame angel -- in my 10 foot reef tank. All angelfish are a risk in a reef tank, especially if there's LPS corals and soft corals. They rarely bother SPS corals however. I have written a series of articles on angelfish in reef tanks. I can get you the references if you need them. IOW, it's a gamble, but the beauty of angelfish may make the gamble worth it.


The Irish Reefer

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Thanks Terry

but the beauty of angelfish may make the gamble worth it.

The picture verifies that, a stunning fish !. :)
Is on my list as a definite must. , any corals that fall victim can be moved to the lit sump or Seagrass system.

What do you feed it , general frozed prepacked marine fare or anything special ?



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As with most angelfish, if you find a healthy specimen, it will be easy to feed. I like to get most of my fish eating a quality flake food, like OSI marine flake, which makes up the essential part of their diet. I supplement the flake food with Nori and some frozen mysis and plancton.

Minh Nguyen

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I feed my Majestic angel Deli flakes from Brine Shrimp Direct. He also eats Nori (3 types). He also picks at but don't eat much frozen Mysis shrimps. I also feed a homemade concoction of food that he does eat.
Majestic angle is one of the most beautiful mid size angel, IMO.

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