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I just took the bite and ordered a Ca reator.Since being in the hobby I have only used Kalk and other liquid supplements that are inclusive with other trace elements

My questions:

What should I be dosing in conjuntion with
the reactor?

Which calcerous media is best suited for use in the reactor?



I bought a calcium reactor, a K2R, 7 months ago. It is the best thing I have done for my reef in a while. It has maintained a great alk/ca balance with no problems. I used to dose kalk and add bionic by the gallon, so the reactor has simplified my routine. I do not add any other supplements, except for the occasional Magnesium boost. The main benfit of a reactor is that it keeps the ca/alk pretty consistent. When you dose kalk or add bionic, there is a spike in alk/ca. There is one thing to be aware of though, excess CO2. Before the reactor, my ph was always between 8.3 and 8.6. After the reactor's addition, ph dropped to between 7.9 and 8.2. Not bad, but it was obvious that excess CO2 was entering the reef. At the time, I had a Red Sea Berlin skimmer, which did a great job. But, it wasn't able to aerate the water enough to dissipate the excess CO2. So, I removed the red sea and installed an ETS 600. Within a month, ph was back to normal. Not saying you need an ETS when you use a reactor, but you may have to increase aeration. Granted, I was aggressively using the reactor ( it is now on it's 3rd filling). The media I use is simply carib-sea "reef-flor #0050". I don't have a PO4 problem, so I will continue its use. Good luck!

#reefs channel operator


Ken and Rich,

You can eliminate the need for Mg by adding a little dolomite to the mix in your reactor. I have seen 10-20% reccomended. I have not wanted to tear mine down just to add dolomite, so I cannot personally comment (I also don't have a Mg test kit). I noticed the same pH drop, and rectified it with a couple of wood air stones in my overflow. Ca reactors rock!!! (no pun intended)


When I first added my cal reactor ph was also a problem. I have a 75 gal tank for a sump, it used to be fully covered. Well its only half covered now. also with my reactor I have a line that vents off excess pressure and water from the main chamber, well I attached that line to the return form my tank. A good reactor should have a second chamber to absorb excess co2. I bought my reactor from Marine technicial concepts, its also where I got my skimmer from. I'm very happy with there products.


Thanks for the replies guys.
I am using an ETS Gemini 800 on my 135g.I'm expecting a Reef Reactor from Bob Odenwell
early next week.
Anyone know of any good online articles dealing with the use of the reactors.I'd like to lesrn more about mixing the different medias like the dolomite.


Elvis, that is not a fix for the excess CO2 problem. A second chamber is only one way to solve the problem. Also, if the reactor does include a 2nd chamber in it's design, it does not mean it will screw up. It was designed that way, and should be fine. If you are using the reactor at a normal flow rate, you may not experience that much of a drop in ph. It is when you really start to aggressively use the reactor, do you notice a significant ph drop. my effluent ph is at a "normal" value (6.6), but I am running alot of flow. Therefore, there is more of a chance that excess CO2 will enter the reef. Adding a second chamber is a good way of getting rid of it. However, I prefer the increased aeration method. Not only does it raise the ph, but it also raises the dissolved O2. As far as the dolomte goes, I will just stick to the Mg additions. I only add about 60ml every month or so. Not enough to warrant me fiddling around with the aragonite mix.

#reefs channel operator

[This message has been edited by RichK (edited 18 November 1999).]


OK...you say tomato, I say tomato. And you're right, the 2 chamber jobs probably will work fine...but don't tell those of us that have spent the bucks on K2R's we got inferior stuff...we respectfully disagree.

Not sure what 'aggressively using the reactor' means...ppm to 450 is aggressive enough for me.

Statement that you gotta have 2 chambers not correct, tho. Those of us using K2R's can attest to the fact that it works great without the extra chamber.



I don't think you necessarily need a 2 chamber ca reactor at all. In fact, it's just more thing to screw up. Just adjust the pH of your effluent and the output and the pH of your tank will adjust accordingly.



Amen Elvis,
I have one of ATR's 1st reactors the MKR-1. My system has never been so stable.
I have had it running for the better part of 4 yrs. I am pretty sure I do not have a Co2 problem(even though I have'nt tested Co2) other wise it would have surfaced by now. Has anyone out there tested Co2 out put of there reactor? Is the extra chamber needed? Maybe yes may be no. Bob from ART probably did test Co2, so I'll drop him a line & see what his feed back is. Why don't everyone else with any other reactors out there do the same? After all we're all in this for the same result... A beautiful & healhty reef. When I see proof that a reactor needs an extra chamber, I'll keep that in mind when I buy a new one. Until then My 1st choice will still a K2R from ART.
Not only does ART have a really good reactor, their cultured frags are Proof of that. Plus, I am a firm believer in the " if it's not broke don't fix it" rule

C-ya Paul

[This message has been edited by Paul (edited 18 November 1999).]


I agree with Rich, but I sure a one chamber unit can be useful.


Hey! I use a K2R as well! It is a great piece of equipment. It has no problems keeping up with my 65 SPS' calcium/alk demand

#reefs channel operator

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