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I wouldn't try it. Maroons can be nasty with other clownfish. Besides, that is a lot of fish for a reef tank. I have two maroons and a purple tang in a 55 gal, and feel guilty about it (because I think the tang would prefer something bigger, although he spends most of his time handing out with the maroons by the anemone smoking dope and getting in trouble).



Nope, that tank is *way* two small for a pair. It is even too small for the pair of maroon clowns alone. I would just go with the skunks.

E >< () !) !_! S


What minimum size tank would you recommend for a pair of Maroons, and a tang. Floorspace is more the problem than anything.
I can go up, but not much deeper or wide.
I don't know how a high tank would acomodate mostly anemones and mushrooms.
Thanks again for all the help. I'd rather find out my mistakes now than after buying the wrong item(s).


Whoa, one thing at a time casanis. Firstly, a 29g tank is pretty small. It also sounds like from your post you have not set up a reef tank before.

There's nothing wrong with that, we were all there once too. However, I implore you to learn as much as possible about reeftank inhabitants before you buy them. For example, you will soon learn that most people cannot keep ONE anemone alive in a large well established reef tank, let alone TWO. Go slowly, and perhaps wait 6 months to a year before considering purchasing an anemone.

If you have the floor space, consider getting a 60g tank (2x2x2') or a 37g (2x2x18") for your first tank. with a reeftank, you DO NOT want to get a "tall" tank.

James Wiseman

Reefs.org Channel Operator



Ditto to what james said!

The minimum size for a pair of maroons is a 40 gallon tank. First, keep in mind that maroon clowns get *VERY* aggressive when they pair up, so I wouldn't add *any* other fish to that tank. Second, maroons can get pretty darn big. Some can get as big as your hand. If you could go bigger, you might be able to keep a tang, but most recommend having at least a 75 gallon tank for a tang, and even with that size of a tank, I would worry about compatability problems with the maroons. Both fish can be aggressive.

Last, maroons are pretty hard to get paired up, so I would suggest that you might try some clarkii clowns or occelaris/percula clowns. I just recently set up a 20 gallon tank to house two occelaris clowns for breeding (20 gallons because they don't get nearly as big as maroons).

E >< () !) !_! S


First, thanks for all the help.
I think I will consider getting a 37 gl tank and maybe go to a different kind of clown.
Are there smaller fish I could get instead of a tang for algea grazing?
Thanks again


Sorry to get back here so late... vacation!
Anyway, you can try a lawnmower blenny or just use snails. I would probably just go for the snails in your tank since it's so small.

E >< () !) !_! S

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