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Luminous Aquatics

Online Retailer
Lancaster, PA
Just updated the site a bit to make this great product a little more visible being under its own heading instead of grouped in under the distributors name.

Anyone who uses 4" socks and is tired of changing them out on an almost daily basis should check this new innovative unit out. The product is a drop in direct replacement to a 4" filter sock. The company also sells diverting caps which can be used on additonal 4" filter sock holes in your sump to make sure all the water goes through the KLIR filter and gets filtered properly. They also have an available drop in stand for the filter unit which allows the Klir to operate in sumps not designed to initially take filter socks but has the space for it.

List price of $249.99 for the main filter unit Check it out!


Luminous Aquatics

Online Retailer
Lancaster, PA
Just heard back from the wholesaler on an order that was suppose to ship out today that the KLIR filter stand and diverter cap are backordered until late October, but the unit itself and the replacement roller are in stock!

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