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  • Czesc Krzysiek. Czy moze bedziesz na organizowanym 28 listopada ''meet and greet'' spotkaniu na Long Island? Jesli tak to bym chcial od Ciebie dwa fragi Acons. A jesli nie to probuje wybrac sie z dziecmi do Atlantis Marine Warld i na zakupy w outletach to moze bym sie zatrzymal wieczorem i zrobil jakis malutki p/u.
    hello i would like to get (2) Green/blue palys, mounted on rock ruble or disc, 30+ polyps, $10. i will be at the frag swap early/all day. i am not sure if you know Randy, but anyways, I work for him and will be helping out all day. :) hope to see you there!
    Hey its al i just set up a new 40 gal. I wanted to know if u had any sps or lps frags for sale..im realy trying to finde a tiny pice of red planet if u know anyone .....also and diggis and millis ...tiny frags of anything really would be nice i have some stuff to bring to u as well talk to u soon -al
    hey krys its al will you be around either Friday sat or sun id like to come by and see what you have pm me back id like to come friday but let me know
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