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I am a newbie and have been doing a lot of research. My 80 gallon tank will arrive next monday. I have MH, sump/protein skimmer on bottom, built-in overflow. I have many questions, most of which have been answered in the forums and articles I've read. But one thing I have heard from someone but wasn't sure about is hard and soft corals. Can I have both soft and hard corals in my reef tank? I was told by my LFS that I shouldn't have both. Is this true?


Advanced Reefer
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I disagree with your LFS. I think they are being to general in terms of soft corals. They are probably trying to sway you from mixing leathers with SPS corals. Leathers release toxins called turpines which are known to slow growth in SPS. AFAIK all corals tend to have a little chemical warefare regardless of the type. I have seen alot of tanks with hard corals (SPS, LPS) mixed with softies like zoas, mushrooms, GSP, etc.
If you tend to like alot of leathers you will then have to make a choice of what you really like the best.


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Thanks. I didn't believe him either. But that's what he told me. Or maybe that it was preferrable not to have them together. But I'll put them together. And per your advice, I won't put leathers. Good thing I don't really like them anyways.


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I agree with trido.

Mix it all up, just be sure to accomodate each one's individual needs, however, and be sure you are supplying the correct food, light and parrameters for each species.

What your LFS may have meant is that the needs of different corals can vary, and getting the proper parametrs and supporting a wide diversity is a bit more difficult, but can be done.


Experienced Reefer
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I'd suggest running carbon. It should help take out any toxins released by soft corals or anything else. Also take a look at placement. I've been moving away from keeping soft corals, but where I do stil have them, I make sure there are no hard corals (especially SPS) directly downstream. Of course, in a 46g tank, some may argue that just about everything is downstream.

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